March Email Marketing Ideas

flowers for March Email Marketing Ideas

March is a great time for email marketing. It’s the time of year when nature reawakens and people start thinking about refreshing everything from their wardrobe and kitchen curtains to their resumes.

 It’s also a time when they look for ideas to improve their lives and celebrate special events.  So they welcome email that helps them find ideas, solutions, and resources.

What should you send to your list this March? Here are engaging email marketing ideas to consider for your mailings.

March Holidays

The month of March is designated as the official month to bring awareness to several different themes.  In addition, there are many days in March set aside to mark special interests. This year (2024) Easter happens to fall in March, as well.

March Month-Long Observances

Women’s History Month

March is Women’s History Month. That makes it a good time to talk about accomplishments of women in your community or industry.  Another option: feature products sold by woman-owned companies.

And of course, if you are a woman-owned business, be sure to mention it to your list and promote the fact on your website and in your email marketing campaigns and newsletters.

Irish-American Heritage Month

During March, most people think of St. Patrick’s Day (see below) when they think about the Irish culture, foods, and legends.  But that’s not the only day to celebrate the Irish. Congress dedicated March as Irish-American Heritage month in 1991 to recognize the contributions of Irish immigrants and their descendants to the US. What’s interesting to note is that the early Irish immigrants were what the History Channel calls the 19th Century’s Refugee Crisis.

National Peanut Month

Whether you sell peanut products or not, there are lots of fun email marketing ideas to use to celebrate National Peanut Month. Here are some to consider:

picture of peanut butter and  bag of peanuts

Peanut-themed race: This would be perfect for a non-profit fundraiser or for a fun event for a scouting get-together. You could have participants dress in peanut costumes, or have relay races, where instead of a baton, a fistful of peanuts gets passed along. The relay winner would be whatever group finished first and didn’t lose any peanuts along the way.  Promote the event to your mailing list, and when it’s over do a mailing talking about highlights of the event, with photos.

Sponsor a peanut butter food drive: Encourage members of your community to donate peanut butter to foodbanks or soup kitchens to hand out to the people they serve.

Peanut contest: If you run a recipe site or sell peanuts, run a peanut contest for your subscribers. Promote it to your email list and on your social media accounts. Come up with fun or monetary award for the cleverest and funniest uses, plus one for the best recipe.

Feature Top Peanut Recipes: If you have a recipe or food site, send email to your list promoting your top peanut recipes. If you are a food reviewer, list restaurants that offer tasty meals that include peanuts. 

Use your imagination and you’ll come up with many more email marketing ideas to celebrate National Peanut Month.

Promotions for Specific Dates

Here are some of the days set aside in March to recognize special interests and various product categories. 

International Women’s Day – March 8th

The theme for International Women’s Day this year is “Inspire Inclusion.” This is a good time to promote events and organizations in your community that help support, mentor and encourage  women to be leaders and to excel in business and life

National Organize Your Home Office Day – March 11th

If your industry is personal organization, time management, personal coaching, or you sell office products, email marketing ideas are plentiful.  You can promote your  products of services to help get organized, send newsletters with tips on getting organized or clearing clutter from home offices, or talk about ways messy offices reduce productivity.

Find email ideas for every month of the year.

St Patrick’s Day – March 17th

St Patrick's Day symbols

You don’t have to be Irish or run an Irish-owned establishment to capitalize on the awareness of St. Patrick’s Day. Send out mailings using St. Patrick Day-themed templates provided by your email service provider.

Promote  green-themed products or services to your list. You can offer discounts on green items, add green bagels or green cup cakes to your offerings. If yours is a non-profit, consider launching a “Luck of the Irish” fundraiser on the 17th.

First Day of Spring – March 20th

Put some spring in your subscriber’s steps by promoting discounts and special offers to celebrate Spring. This is the time of year when people are thinking about sprucing up things like their wardrobe, home decor, hairdo, home exterior, and landscaping.

National Flower Day – March 21st

Flowers and Spring go hand-in-hand. If you’re a florist, send a coupon to your list. Do the same if you sell plants and flowers in a brick-and-mortar store. If you don’t sell those items yourself, team up with a local florist. Have them give you discount coupons for their services that you can hand out to your customers. Then send email to your list urging them to come to your shop National Flower Day to get the coupon.

World Water Day – March 22nd

World water day is the perfect time to promote sustainable products and to talk about ways to protect our waterways and seas.

Image sources:

All images except the St. Patrick’s Day image are from Istock Photo. The St. Patrick’s Day image was created by Dall-E 2.

Note: the Istock image link is an affiliate link. We make a small commission if you buy through our link.

By Janet Attard

Janet Attard is an author and small business expert who has been using email marketing to grow online sites for more than 30 years.