February Email Marketing Ideas

February email marketing

February is the month set aside by several different organizations to raise awareness or commemorate their cause or group. Here are some:

  • Black History Month
  • American Heart Month
  • National Cancer Prevention Month
  • Low Vision Awareness Month
  • National Bird Feeding Month
  • National Snack Food Month

Depending on your audience, running content on one or more of these themes could add value to your readers.

There are many individual days to commemorate in your February email marketing campaigns as well. Here are some to consider.

First Day of Black History Month-February 1st

Use this day (and the rest of the month, too) to  recognize black businesses, community leaders, and athletes. Feature them in your newsletter and social media marketing. You could also research and publish a list of Black History Month events going on in your community.

Groundhog Day-February 2nd

A ritual-type holiday where “Phil” the groundhog predicts spring by either seeing his shadow or not. Since spring is around the corner, landscaping businesses and other outdoor businesses should start promoting from this day onward. Gift cards for lawn care are a great idea and gifts for seeds and other plants can start being promoted.

National Pizza Day – February 9th

Everyone loves pizza. If you are a restaurant that sells pizza, send out coupons, have family specials, or specials on toppings. Other types of promotions: hold  pizza party for parents at your daycare center, or for your art classes.

Super Bowl Sunday-February 9th

Time to cheer on your team and make sure february email marketing promotions include mention of the Super Bowl and all types of gifts that are “team-related”. A big buying day for those that love football!

Don’t forget those who don’t enjoy football, though. Run a special during SuperBowl hours to attract them to your store, movie, or theater.

Lincoln’s Birthday-February 12th

This is a historical rather than national holiday. History buffs love this holiday, and gifts can include memorabilia or books on the birth of the USA.

Valentine’s Day-February 14th

Email marketing for this holiday is easy. You can promote gifts of flowers, chocolates, or even a nice dinner out. Even creative gifts such as a massage at a spa, or a “maid for a day” are great things to include in emails as a special promotion. So, too, are clothing or accessories in red colors or that have hearts on them.

Engineer’s Week – February 16-22

Engineering is at the cutting edge of innovation. Discover Engineering urges you to use this week to celebrate the accomplishments of engineers and encourage careers in engineering by talking about how engineers will shape our future.   

President’s Day/Washington’s Birthday February 17th

These two days are synonymous and are a National Holiday, so most government and other offices are closed. Because so many people are off from work on this day, it’s a good time for retailers and restaurateurs to run promotions.  You can promote any type of product. 

Introduce a Girl to Engineering Day – February 20th

Show girls how engineers change our world to help them get interested in engineering and STEM careers.

National Love Your Pet Day – February 20th

This is a good opportunity for promoting pet supplies, pet food and pet grooming.  Another good idea: promote adopting pets from local shelters.

National Sticky Bun Day – February 21st

Nothing says comfort on a cold winter day like the smell and taste of a warm sticky bun. Promote them to your café or restaurant customers, promote recipes for them on your cooking blog, or promote stores in your town that sell these sweet treats.

National Margarita Day February 22nd

Say olé to your bar or restaurant patrons by offering them a discount on Margaritas today.

By Janet Attard

Janet Attard is an author and small business expert who has been using email marketing to grow online sites for more than 30 years.